New England Over-the-Hill Soccer League

Un-select the leagues (ages) and divisions you are not interested in or not eligible for and then click on the map to list the nearest teams. If you are off the map, click on the map nearest your location.

You must be the appropriate age (30,40,50,58) by the end of the current calendar year to be eligible to play.
The lower divisions (5 and 6) tend to have more turnover and therefore more openings. Roster freeze each season the day before the second scheduled game.

Mass Soccer has a list of many recreational and premiere leagues in Massachusetts and there are links to many facilities and professional teams on our links page.

List over-30's teams
List masters teams
List seniors teams
List veterans teams
Show Division 1 teams
Show Division 2 teams
Show Division 3 teams
Show Division 4 teams
Show Division 5 teams
Show Division 6 teams
Show Division 7 teams

© 2003, Jeremy Mordkoff, All Rights Reserved